The Call of the Cosmograph

Okay. It’s time for a personal confession. I loathe waste. Inefficiency bothers me. And not being strategic just drives me up the wall. It’s conceivably little more than some deeply ingrained idiosyncrasies, but I suspect the contributing factors may be a tad more complex. But whatever the ultimate constellation of causal variables, as a strategic thinker it […]

Leading Organizational Transformation

With more than 1.5 million nonprofits in the United States, all of them at varying stages of development or decline, it behooves nonprofit leaders and managers to be mindful of organizational lifecycle models and dynamics. Because while some challenges facing nonprofits are “stage-invariant” (i.e., they demand continuous attention regardless of an organization’s lifecycle stage), others are […]

How strategic is your board?

The notion of “strategic alignment” has shaped my thinking about nonprofit organizations for many years. While notions of alignment range from vague intuitive ideas to highly systematic models and processes, it is a concept that apparently has escaped many nonprofit organizations and their boards. In a nutshell, alignment theory contends that organizations should consistently seek […]